Old Town Hall and Town Hall Tower

2025-02-28 10:00 - 16:00 Old Town Hall

Rodzaj biletu
Town Hall Tower - normal ticket
(1) Old Town Hall
- Town Hall Tower
28,00 zł
0,00 zł
Town Hall Tower - reduced ticket
(1) Old Town Hall
- Town Hall Tower
24,00 zł
0,00 zł
Wieża Ratuszowa - bilet rodzinny 1+1
- 1 dorosły + 1 dziecko/uczeń/student do 26 r. życia
49,00 zł
0,00 zł
Wieża Ratuszowa - bilet rodzinny 2+1
- 2 dorosłych + 1 dziecko/uczeń/student do 26 r. życia
- 1 dorosły + 2 dziecko/uczeń/student do 26 r. życia
59,00 zł
0,00 zł
Wieża Ratuszowa - bilet rodzinny 2+2
- 2 dorosłych + 2 dziecko/uczeń/student do 26 r. życia
- 1 dorosły + 3 dziecko/uczeń/student do 26 r. życia
69,00 zł
0,00 zł
Wieża Ratuszowa - bilet rodzinny 2+3
- 2 dorosłych + 3 dziecko/uczeń/student do 26 r. życia
- 1 dorosły + 4 dziecko/uczeń/student do 26 r. życia
79,00 zł
0,00 zł
Exhibitions + Town Hall Tower - normal ticket
(1) Old Town Hall
- Permanent and temporary exhibitions
- Town Hall Tower
49,00 zł
0,00 zł
Exhibitions + Town Hall Tower - reduced ticket
(1) Old Town Hall
- Permanent and temporary exhibitions
- Town Hall Tower
39,00 zł
0,00 zł
Permanent & temporary exhibitions- normal ticket
(1) Old Town Hall
- Permanent and temporary exhibitions
30,00 zł
0,00 zł
Permanent & temporary exhibitions- reduced ticket
(1) Old Town Hall
- Permanent and temporary exhibitions
25,00 zł
0,00 zł
Toruń Large Family Card ex. - normal ticket
Toruń Large Family Card
(1) Old Town Hall
- Permanent and temporary exhibitions

24,00 zł
0,00 zł
Toruń Large Family Card ex. - reduced ticket
Toruń Large Family Card
(1) Old Town Hall
- Permanent and temporary exhibitions
21,00 zł
0,00 zł